Attitude is Everything - Your Attitude is Your Decision
By Denis Korn
Seriously reflect on this article!
Time to look at the importance of attitude once again. Why? Look
around - read the headlines - talk to family, friends, co-workers -experience the media - both mainstream and alternative.
What's your attitude? How are you coping? Do you see a correlation
between your attitude and your mental and physical health? Do you feel
helpless and unable to effect any meaningful change? Is the prospect of
impending disaster and lifestyle upheaval generating a overwhelming
amount of fear? Do you feel incapacitated? Do you feel that others - the government - the banks - the ignorant masses - the evil ones - the
self-serving are controlling your life? What is your responsibility during these most challenging of times? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT ALL THIS? WHAT ATTITUDE WILL YOU CHOOSE?
Yes - attitude is a decision - your attitude during a traumatic event
or disaster is essential for survival - attitude is everything. So
what does this mean, especially during an emergency, disaster, or
catastrophic event?
After 40 years of educating, supplying, and encouraging folks for
emergency preparedness, I am convinced and truly believe that the most
important element in emergency and disaster preparedness is one's
attitude. Where is your focus? Who relies upon your courage and
commitment? Can you be counted upon to encourage others and take charge?
I am also aware that in our society where personal responsibility and
owning one's choices is not the essential value it should be, choosing
an appropriate attitude is exceedingly difficult. It is even more
difficult during a situation where you are gripped with stress, anxiety,
and fear.
One's attitude during trying times sets the context or foundation for
all the actions taken - or not taken. Attitude often determines
whether your actions and intentions will succeed or fail. Attitude can
often be the difference between life or death - hope or despair - calm
or chaos - order or confusion - love or hate - selflessness or
selfishness. Your attitude is your state of mind - your
thoughts, and to be able to control and choose how you are going to
think and behave in challenging times requires great discipline and
focus. It requires a positive and confident outlook and inlook - a constant awareness of the consequences and results of the attitude you embrace.
The benefits of a constructive and encouraging attitude should be
self-evident, as are the realities of the struggle in persevering during
difficult trials.
The development of a proper and victorious attitude requires
determination, strength of will, and constant attention. If you are
with those who also understand the importance of attitude, mutually
support each other continually. For believers earnest prayer is
To encourage you in understanding the value and the importance of
developing the right attitude during overwhelming circumstances, I
recommend one of the great and influential books written in the 20th
century. I used it in my philosophy classes as required reading, and
the response from students was significant. The book is titled Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor E. Frankl. He was a doctor who survived four concentration
camps during the Holocaust. While there are many books written on the
importance of a positive attitude, Frankl's experiences and the
conditions he endured give him an extraordinary perspective. His
insights on attitude during the worst of circumstances is invaluable.
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last
of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of
circumstances, to choose one's own way." Viktor Frankl
"Frankl's wisdom here is worth emphasizing: it is a question of the attitude
one takes toward life's challenges and opportunities, both large and
small. A positive attitude enables a person to endure suffering and
disappointment as well as enhance enjoyment and satisfaction. A
negative attitude intensifies pain and deepens disappointments..." William Winslade in the Afterword to Man's Search for Meaning (2006 printing)
You are encouraged to be honest with yourself - answer the questions given - and seriously reflect upon this article!
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